
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Make A Wish Monkey Wars

Make A Wish|Monkey Wars|Ryan Cottor|IPad app|free game
A childhood friend of mine is very active in making wishes come true. She is the involved in Make-A-Wish in the US Virgin Islands. She recently shared the story of a 12-year old boy who wanted to create a video game that would become #1.

A team of Make-A-Wish volunteer programmers in Arizona helped Ryan Cottor create Monkey Wars, an Apple app for IPads, IPhones, etc.

It's a fun, silly game that involves monkeys throwing poo to defeat aliens. How can you resist that? The app is available from the App Store and it's free

From all reports this is the first game designed by a child - that makes it all the more appealing to kids. To learn more about Ryan and the game, go to the Monkey Wars website and read all about it. Better yet,  help make Ryan's Wish come true and download this amazing game.